Walkthrough — parser for custom package format

Let’s apply everything to a more complex example. Our goal is to parse some simple configuration file of a software package.

A sample input file can look like this:

name    = lexy
version = 0.0.0
authors = ["Jonathan Müller"]

And we want to parse it into the following C++ data structure using lexy:

struct PackageVersion
    int major;
    int minor;
    int patch;

struct PackageConfig
    std::string              name;
    PackageVersion           version;
    std::vector<std::string> authors;

The full source code can be found at config.cpp .

Following the three steps outlined in the /learn/warmup/[warmup], our program has the following structure:

#include <string>
#include <vector>

struct PackageVersion {  };
struct PackageConfig {  };

//=== grammar ===//
#include <lexy/callback.hpp>
#include <lexy/dsl.hpp>

namespace grammar (2)
    namespace dsl = lexy::dsl;


    struct config {  };

//=== parsing ===//
#include <lexy/input/file.hpp>
#include <lexy/action/parse.hpp>
#include <lexy_ext/report_error.hpp>

int main()
    auto file = lexy::read_file<lexy::utf8_encoding>(filename); (3)
    if (!file)
    {  }

    auto result = lexy::parse<grammar::config>(file.buffer(), lexy_ext::report_error.path(filename)); (4)
    if (!result) (5)
    {  }

    if (result.has_value()) (6)
        PackageConfig config = result.value();
  1. The user code that defines the C++ data structures. It does not need to know anything about lexy.

  2. The grammar. It contains multiple productions, but the entry production is grammar::config. This is the production we’re parsing.

  3. We want to read the config from a file, so we use lexy::read_file . We specify that the file uses UTF-8 as the input encoding. Reading a file can fail, so we need to handle that (not shown here).

  4. Then we can parse our entry production using the action lexy::parse . We give it the buffer of our file and a callback to invoke on errors.

  5. If parsing produced any errors, handle them somehow.

  6. If parsing was able to give as a value (i.e. the input was either well-formed or lexy could recover from all errors that happened), use that value. If you don’t care about error recovery, you just need the !result check.

Parsing the package name

We will create a separate production for each of the fields (name, version, authors). Let’s start with the production for the name, as that is the simplest one.

Package name
name = lexy

Here, we’re only concerned with the part after the equal sign, so the lexy in the example above. A package name follows the same rules as a C++ identifier, except that leading underscores are not allowed. As a regex, a name is described by [a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z_0-9]*, so one alpha character, followed by zero or more alphanumeric characters or underscores.

In lexy, we can use the pre-defined char class rules lexy::dsl::ascii::alpha  and lexy::dsl::ascii::word . We can then combine them in sequence  with a lexy::dsl::while_  rule:

struct name
    static constexpr auto rule = dsl::ascii::alpha + dsl::while_(dsl::ascii::word);

However, this doesn’t produce a value; we need to wrap everything in the lexy::dsl::capture  rule, which matches something and produces a lexy::lexeme  (think string view) over the part of the input that was consumed by it. But this specific pattern is so common that lexy provides a built-in rule for it lexy::dsl::identifier :

struct name
    static constexpr auto rule = [] {
        auto lead_char     = dsl::ascii::alpha;
        auto trailing_char = dsl::ascii::word;
        return dsl::identifier(lead_char, trailing_char); (1)

    static constexpr auto value = lexy::as_string<std::string>; (2)
  1. Match an identifier whose leading char is dsl::ascii::alpha and all trailing chars are dsl::ascii::word. Everything consumed is captured.

  2. Convert the captured lexeme into a std::string using the callback lexy::as_string .

First field done, let’s move on to the next one.

Parsing the package version

The next field is the version.

Package version
version = 0.0.0

Again, we’re only concerned with the value after the equal sign for now. It consists of three numbers separated by dots, where a number is a non-empty sequence of digits.

We can parse decimal numbers using lexy::dsl::integer , and as we’ve seen lexy::dsl::times  can parse something N times with an optional separator:

struct version
    static constexpr auto rule = []{
        auto number = dsl::integer<int>;
        auto dot    = dsl::period;
        return dsl::times<3>(number, dsl::sep(dot));

    static constexpr auto value = lexy::construct<PackageVersion>;

Let’s also allow the special value unreleased as an alternate spelling for 0.0.0. For that, we need to use a choice  between the previous dsl::times rule and LEXY_LIT ("unreleased"). As discussed in the /learn/branching/[branching tutorial], we need to use branch rules to let lexy know how to make a decision. Luckily, LEXY_LIT is already a branch rule, so we can turn the number part into one by using lexy::dsl::else_ :

struct version
    static constexpr auto rule = []{
        auto number      = dsl::integer<int>;
        auto dot         = dsl::period;
        auto dot_version = dsl::times<3>(number, dsl::sep(dot));

        auto unreleased = LEXY_LIT("unreleased");

        return unreleased | dsl::else_ >> dot_version; (1)

    static constexpr auto value = lexy::construct<PackageVersion>; (2)
  1. We’re trying to match the literal unreleased, if that doesn’t work, we unconditionally parse a dotted version.

  2. If we’re matching unreleased, no value is produced. However, in that case lexy::construct  will value construct a PackageVersion, which produces {0, 0, 0} anyway, which is actually what we want. To get a different value, we either need to write our own overloaded callback using lexy::callback , or by using lexy::bind .

Alternatively, we could have turned dot_version into a branch by adding a condition that checks for a digit using lexy::dsl::digit , and wrapping it in lexy::dsl::peek  to ensure the digit is not consumed.

Parsing the package author

Continuing on, we want to parse the author of the package:

Package author
authors = ["Jonathan Müller"]

It is a comma-separated list of strings surrounded by square brackets.

We could manually build something that parses a string by using lexy::dsl::while_  and lexy::dsl::capture  again; we just need to be careful to match string characters that are not quotes. However, again lexy provides built-in support in the form of lexy::dsl::delimited , which parses zero or more occurrences of a char class surrounded by a specified delimiter. As we want quotation marks, we can use lexy::dsl::quoted  directly:

struct author (1)
    static constexpr auto rule = dsl::quoted(dsl::code_point); (2)

    static constexpr auto value = lexy::as_string<std::string>; (3)
  1. The production that parses a single author.

  2. Parse a string literal that contains arbitrary characters using lexy::dsl::code_point .

  3. Convert it into a std::string using lexy::as_string . Note that the callback is used as a sink  here: it will be repeatedly invoked to accumulate each character of the string.

This works, but we need to make two improvements. First, we don’t want control characters such as newline in our string. For that, we can subtract the char class lexy::dsl::ascii::control  from dsl::code_point, or, as that is the default, just use lexy::dsl::operator- (unary) . Second, we have no way to embed quotes in the author’s name, as they terminate the string. This can be solved by adding escape sequences, which lexy::dsl::delimited  supports out-of-the box:

struct author
    static constexpr auto rule = [] {
        auto cp     = -dsl::ascii::control; (1)
        auto escape = dsl::backslash_escape                                (2)
                          .rule(dsl::lit_c<'u'> >> dsl::code_point_id<4>)  (3)
                          .rule(dsl::lit_c<'U'> >> dsl::code_point_id<8>);

        return dsl::quoted(cp, escape); (4)

    static constexpr auto value = lexy::as_string<std::string, lexy::utf8_encoding>; (5)
  1. Allow anything that is not a control character.

  2. We use \ as the escape character using lexy::dsl::backslash_escape , which is just an alias for lexy::dsl::escape  using a backslah.

  3. These two lines define \uXXXX and \uXXXXXXXX to specify character codes. lexy::dsl::code_point_id  is a convenience alias for lexy::dsl::integer  which parses a code point using N hex digits.

  4. The \u and \U rules all produce a lexy::code_point . lexy::as_string can only convert it back into a string, if we tell it the encoding we want. So we add lexy::utf8_encoding as the second optional argument to enable that.

The traditional escape sequences such as \", \n, and so on, can be implemented by providing a lexy::symbol_table  that defines a mapping for escape characters to their replacement value. See json.cpp for an example.

Now we just need to parse a list of authors. lexy::dsl::list  can be used like that: it parses the item once and then as often as it matches. But unlike lexy::dsl::while_  it allows the item to produce a value and will collect them all in a sink  like lexy::as_list . Like lexy::dsl::times , we can also specify a separator, in which case item does not need to be branch rule as lexy can make a decision just based on the existence of a separator.

However, as the list here is surrounded by square brackets, we can use .list() of lexy::dsl::square_bracketed  instead. It is a special case of the generic lexy::dsl::brackets , which in turn is a wrapper over lexy::dsl::terminator . As discussed in the /learn/branching/[tutorial about branching], they allow parsing things without requiring a branch condition.

struct author_list
    static constexpr auto rule
        = dsl::square_bracketed.list(dsl::p<author>, dsl::sep(dsl::comma)); (1)

    static constexpr auto value = lexy::as_list<std::vector<std::string>>; (2)
  1. Parse the comma-separated list of authors surrounded by square brackets.

  2. Each call to lexy::dsl::p  produces a std::string, the sink lexy::as_list  collects them all into the specified container.

Putting it together

Parsing the entire config is now very straightforward:

struct config
    static constexpr auto rule = []{
        auto make_field = [](auto name, auto rule) {              (1)
            return name + dsl::lit_c<'='> + rule + dsl::newline;  (2)

        auto name_field    = make_field(LEXY_LIT("name"), dsl::p<name>); (3)
        auto version_field = make_field(LEXY_LIT("version"), dsl::p<version>);
        auto authors_field
            = make_field(LEXY_LIT("authors"), dsl::p<author_list>);

        return name_field + version_field + authors_field; (4)

    static constexpr auto value = lexy::construct<PackageConfig>; (5)
  1. We define a little helper function that builds a rule that parses a field given its name and value.

  2. Each field consists of the name, an equal sign, the value rule, and a newline matched by the lexy::dsl::newline  token.

  3. Define each field using the productions we’ve built above.

  4. Match them all in order.

  5. Construct the package config from the resulting std::string, PackageVersion and std::vector<std::string>.

This works!

We can now almost parse the sample input I’ve given above:

authors=["Jonathan Müller"]

We don’t support whitespace between the elements. We want to support ASCII blank characters (space and tab) surrounding the equal sign and the brackets and comma of the author list. This can be done either manually or automatically.

To parse whitespace manually, we can use lexy::dsl::whitespace . It behaves like lexy::dsl::while_  and parses a specified rule zero or more times, but treats the matched content as whitespace. We then need to insert it everywhere we want to skip whitespace:

constexpr auto ws = dsl::whitespace(dsl::ascii::blank). (1)

struct config
    static constexpr auto rule = []{
        auto make_field = [](auto name, auto rule) {
            return name + ws + dsl::lit_c<'='> + ws + rule + ws + dsl::newline; (2)


  1. Define the whitespace globally. lexy::dsl::ascii::blank  is a char class that matches space or tab.

  2. Insert it everywhere we want to allow whitespace.

However, this is a lot of work. In this particular case, it is easier to use automatic whitespace skipping . This is done by adding a static constexpr member called whitespace to the root production (and only the root production):

struct config
    static constexpr auto whitespace = dsl::ascii::blank; (1)

    static constexpr auto rule = [] {  } (); (2)
    static constexpr auto value = lexy::construct<PackageConfig>;
  1. Define what whitespace is for our grammar.

  2. Nothing needs to change in any of the rules here!

That is all! Now lexy will automatically skip whitespace after every token rule in the grammar.

However, that can be a bit much. For example, it will now skip whitespace after each component of the version number, so something like version = 0 . 0 . 0 is fine. There are to ways to prevent that. The first is to use lexy::dsl::no_whitespace  which parses a rule but disables whitespace skipping. This is used internally by lexy::dsl::identifier  and lexy::dsl::delimited , so those cases are fine. The second is to have the version production inherit lexy::token_production . This instructs lexy to treat the entire production as a token for the purposes of whitespace skipping: it will not skip whitespace while parsing the production and all child productions, but instead only once when it’s done:

struct version : lexy::token_production (1)
  1. Disable automatic whitespace skipping inside the version.

Now we can parse the input shown in the beginning!

Polish: Arbitrary ordering of fields

To make usability nicer, let’s support arbitrary ordering of the fields in our config file. This can be done using lexy::dsl::combination , which parses each rule specified once, but in arbitrary order. The values produced during parsing are not passed to a callback, as that will require N! overloads, but instead it uses a sink. That’s a problem though: how can we know which value should be assigned to which field?

The solution is to use the lexy::as_aggregate  callback together with LEXY_MEM . Using LEXY_MEM(name) = rule in the DSL assigns the value of rule to the member name, lexy::as_aggregate<T> then constructs T by collecting the values of all members:

struct config
    static constexpr auto whitespace = dsl::ascii::blank;

    static constexpr auto rule = [] {
        auto make_field = [](auto name, auto rule) {
            return name >> dsl::lit_c<'='> + rule + dsl::newline; (1)

        auto name_field    = make_field(LEXY_LIT("name"), LEXY_MEM(name) = dsl::p<name>); (2)
        auto version_field
            = make_field(LEXY_LIT("version"), LEXY_MEM(version) = dsl::p<version>);
        auto authors_field
            = make_field(LEXY_LIT("authors"), LEXY_MEM(authors) = dsl::p<author_list>);

        return dsl::combination(name_field, version_field, authors_field) + dsl::eof; (3)

    static constexpr auto value = lexy::as_aggregate<PackageConfig>; (4)
  1. lexy::dsl::combination  requires a branch rule to know which rule to parse. Luckily, we can use the name of the field for that.

  2. Each rule now contains the assignment to the appropriate member using LEXY_MEM .

  3. Instead of a sequence, we now have dsl::combination(). We also added lexy::dsl::eof  to ensure that there are no trailing fields at the end.

  4. We use lexy::as_aggregate  as our sink.

This will match each field exactly once, but in any order.

Polish: Better error messages

Out of the box, lexy already gives pretty good error messages. The error callback  passed to lexy::parse  is invoked with some context information like the current production stored in lexy::error_context  as well the actual lexy::error . Using lexy_ext::report_error, they are then nicely formatted:

Name that starts with an underscore.
error: while parsing name
 1: 8| name = _lexy
     |        ^ expected 'ASCII.alpha' character
Missing version number
error: while parsing version
 2:11| version = 0.0
     |           ~~~^ expected '.'
Author name not quoted.
error: while parsing author_list
 3:12| authors = [Jonathan Müller]
     |            ^ expected '"'

More specific error messages

However, some of the generic errors are a bit confusing for end users. For example, if we have control characters in a string we just get a cryptic "expected complement char" error message, as that’s the error given by -char. We can change the error of a token rule using its .error  member:

struct author
    struct invalid_character (1)
        static constexpr auto name = "invalid string character"; (2)

    static constexpr auto rule = [] {
        auto cp = (-dsl::ascii::control).error<invalid_character>; (3)


  1. The tag that will be associated with the error.

  2. We override the default message (which would be author::invalid_character) to the more friendly invalid string character.

  3. We specify that on token failure, we want an error with the given tag.

Likewise, if we specify the same field twice we get the generic "combination duplicate" error message. Additionally, if we add an unknown field we get the generic "exhausted choice" error. Both issues can be improved by specifying custom tags in our lexy::dsl::combination  call.

struct config
    struct unknown_field (1)
        static constexpr auto name = "unknown config field"; (2)
    struct duplicate_field (1)
        static constexpr auto name = "duplicate config field"; (2)

    static constexpr auto rule = [] {

        auto combination = dsl::combination(name_field, version_field, authors_field)
                               .missing_error<unknown_field>.duplicate_error<duplicate_field>; (3)
        return combination + dsl::eof;
  1. Define the tags.

  2. Override the default message, which is the type name.

  3. Specify the error on failure. The missing error is the one triggered when no field condition matched, the duplicate one if we had a field twice.

Now an invalid string character is reported as invalid string character and a duplicated config field as duplicate config field:

Missing closing string delimiter
error: while parsing author
 3:28| authors = ["Jonathan Müller]
     |              ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~^ invalid string character
Duplicate config field error
error: while parsing config
 1: 1| name = lexy
     | ^ beginning here
 3: 1| version = 0.0.0
     | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ duplicate config field

Expecting common mistakes

The package name must not contain hyphens as in my-package. If a user attempts to use such a name, lexy::dsl::identifier  stops parsing at the first hyphen, and the error is about an expected newline. We can improve that by requiring that there is whitespace following the identifier. If that is not the case, the identifier contains invalid characters.

For that, we can use lexy::dsl::peek , which checks whether a rule would match at the current position, without consuming anything. It also has a .error member that can be used to specify a custom tag:

struct name
    struct invalid_character (1)
        static constexpr auto name = "invalid name character"; (2)

    static constexpr auto rule = [] {

        return dsl::identifier(lead_char, trailing_char)
               + dsl::peek(dsl::ascii::space).error<invalid_character>; (3)
  1. Define a tag.

  2. Give it a custom message.

  3. Issue the error unless the name is followed by the required space character (either trailing whitespace or the newline).

Now the error message tells exactly what is going on:

Invalid name character error
error: while parsing name
 1:10| name = my-package
     |        ~~^ invalid name character

Likewise, we can use lexy::dsl::peek_not , which fails if a rule would match, if we were to specify a build string in our version:

struct version
    struct forbidden_build_string (1)
        static constexpr auto name = "build string not supported"; (2)

    static constexpr auto rule = [] {

        auto dot_version = dsl::times<3>(number, dsl::sep(dot))
                           + dsl::peek_not(dsl::lit_c<'-'> + dsl::while_(dsl::ascii::alnum))
                                 .error<forbidden_build_string>; (3)

  1. Define a tag.

  2. Give it a custom message.

  3. Raise the error when we encounter a build string. We then consume it and recover.

Forbidden build string
error: while parsing version
 2:16| version = 0.0.0-alpha
     |           ~~~~~^^^^^^ build string not supported

Polish: Better error recovery

lexy also provides error recovery out of the box. For example, if we’re missing a comma in our author list ["author 1" "author 2"], lexy will correctly report an error yet recovers and produces a list containing the two authors. This is possible since we’re using lexy::dsl::brackets , so it knows when the list is supposed to end.

Yet there are more cases where we can recover, we just need to teach lexy about it. This can be done using lexy::dsl::try_ . This rule parses a rule and on failure, attempts to recover by parsing an optional recovery rule. Parsing can then continue.

For example, consider the rule that parses a config field:

auto make_field = [](auto name, auto rule) {
    return name >> dsl::lit_c<'='> + rule + dsl::newline;

Note that the = sign between the name and the value is not required to be able to parse it; something like version 1.0.0 is not ambiguous. So instead of specifying dsl::lit_c<'='>, we can use dsl::try_(dsl::lit_c<'='>): this tries to parse an = sign and issues an error if there isn’t one, but then it just continues as if nothing happens. So version 1.0.0 will lead to an error message complaining about the missing =, but still give you the appropriate config object. Note that this is unlike lexy::dsl::if_ (dsl::lit_c<'='>) which would not raise an error if there is no =, as there the = is optional.

Also consider the case of name = my-package again. We’re correctly getting an error about the invalid character in the package name. But as a failure on lexy::dsl::peek  doesn’t affect subsequent rules (it wouldn’t have consumed anything anyway), parsing continues and tries to parse lexy::dsl::newline , which then fails. A recovery strategy would be to discard anything until you’ve reached the end of line:

auto make_field = [](auto name, auto rule) {
    auto end = dsl::try_(dsl::newline, dsl::until(dsl::newline)); (1)
    return name >> dsl::try_(dsl::lit_c<'='>) + rule + end;
  1. If we don’t have a newline immediately, we discard everything until we have consumed one to recover. When parsing continues, we’re at the next line.

Now parsing name = my-package will complain about the - in the name, a missing newline, but then recovers to produce a package called my.

Another place were we can use recovery is a missing version number like version = 1.0. For that, we wrap every number and period in dsl::try_:

struct version : lexy::token_production
    static constexpr auto rule = [] {
        auto number      = dsl::try_(dsl::integer<int>, dsl::nullopt); (1)
        auto dot         = dsl::try_(dsl::period); (2)
        auto dot_version = dsl::times<3>(number, dsl::sep(dot))
                           + dsl::peek_not(dsl::lit_c<'-'>).error<forbidden_build_string>;


    static constexpr auto value
        = lexy::bind(lexy::construct<PackageVersion>, lexy::_1 or 0, lexy::_2 or 0, lexy::_3 or 0); (3)
  1. If we don’t have an integer, we recover by parsing lexy::dsl::nullopt  which just produces the tag value lexy::nullopt .

  2. If we don’t have a dot, we do nothing.

  3. As we now recover from input like 1.0 by producing the values 1, 0, lexy::nullopt{}, we need to ensure we’re still producing a correct PackageVersion. For that we use the lexy::bind  callback, and specify that if any arguments are lexy::nullopt, we want 0 instead.

Now we recover from version strings like 1.0 or 1..0, where missing fields are treated as zeroes.