Header lexy/callback/integer.hpp

Callback lexy::as_integer

namespace lexy
    template <typename T>
    constexpr callback auto as_integer;

Creates an integer of type T.

It is a callback with three overloads:

(const auto& value)

returns T(value).

(lexy::plus_sign, const auto& value)

returns T(value).

(lexy::minus_sign, const auto& value)

returns T(-value).

It is best used together with lexy::dsl::integer  and lexy::dsl::sign .

Example 1. A number with an optional plus/minus sign
struct production
    // Sign followed by a decimal integer.
    static constexpr auto rule  = dsl::sign + dsl::integer<int>;
    static constexpr auto value = lexy::as_integer<int>;

See also