Header lexy/dsl/expression.hpp

Support for operator precedence parsing.

Some terminology:


A lexy::dsl::op  rule (or multiple composed with lexy::dsl::operator/ (operator) ).


The objects manipulated by an operator.


An operator together with arity, associativity and operands. Its binding power (precedence) is determined implicitly by its relation to other operations in its operand.


The same operation applied multiple times in direct sequence.


Multiple chains of different operations, potentially nested.

Class lexy::expression_production

namespace lexy
    struct max_operator_nesting_exceeded {};
    struct operator_chain_error {};
    struct operator_group_error {};

    struct expression_production
        using operator_nesting_error = lexy::max_operator_nesting_exceeded;
        using operator_chain_error   = lexy::operator_chain_error;
        using operator_group_error   = lexy::operator_group_error;

        static constexpr std::size_t max_operator_nesting;

        static constexpr auto rule = see-below;

namespace lexy::dsl
    struct atom {};

expression_production is a base class of a production that wants to parse an expression.

struct operation : operation-base
    static constexpr auto op = operator-rule;
    using operand = operation-or-dsl::atom;

struct expression : lexy::expression_production
    static constexpr auto atom = rule;
    using operation = operation;

The derived class must have the same members as Expression shown above. Optionally, it can shadow each member of lexy::expression_production indicated in the interface, except for rule, to override them to custom values. atom specifies the rule that is used to parse an atomic operand, i.e. one that isn’t another operation in turn. operation specifies the top-level operation, i.e. the one with the lowest binding power. It is a type with the same members as Operation shown above: the operator rule (lexy::dsl::op  or lexy::dsl::operator/ (operator) ) and the operand, which is either another Operation, lexy::dsl::groups , or dsl::atom, which indicates that the operand is the rule described in the atom member.

The behavior of the generated rule of the production is as follows:


Parses an arbitrary operation chain consisting of the operators mentioned in the expression (by starting with the root operation and following the operands). The rules for operation parsing are described in the individual base classes (lexy::dsl::infix_op_left , lexy::dsl::infix_op_right , lexy::dsl::infix_op_single , lexy::dsl::infix_op_list , lexy::dsl::postfix_op , lexy::dsl::prefix_op ). If the input does not contain any operator, parses a single atom. If there is a trailing operator, it will attempt to parse a following operand greedily.

  • All errors raised by parsing atom or an operator (only possible if the operator is a branch rule).

  • Expression::operator_nesting_error: if the nesting level of operators exceeds Expression::max_operator_nesting_exceeded, at the location of the operator that first exceeds it. The rule then fails.

  • Expression::operator_chain_error: see lexy::dsl::infix_op_single .

  • Expression::operator_group_error: see lexy::dsl::groups .


As the rule is the only rule of the entire production, it does not lazily produce values like the other rules, but passes them directly to the callback of the production.

  • For each instance of the atomic rule, all values it produces are passed to the callback.

  • For an operation, the value of the operands and of the operator are passed to the callback. The value of an operand is always the result of another callback invocation.

Parse tree
  • An operation creates a production node labeled with the type of the operation, its children are the operands and operator nodes.

  • The atomic operand creates its nodes as it normally would.

Example 1. Parse a simple mathematical expression
struct production : lexy::expression_production
    static constexpr auto whitespace = dsl::ascii::space;
    static constexpr auto atom       = dsl::integer<int>;

    struct prefix : dsl::prefix_op
        static constexpr auto op = dsl::op(dsl::lit_c<'-'>);
        using operand            = dsl::atom;

    struct product : dsl::infix_op_left
        static constexpr auto op = dsl::op(dsl::lit_c<'*'>) / dsl::op(dsl::lit_c<'/'>);
        using operand            = prefix;

    struct sum : dsl::infix_op_left
        static constexpr auto op = dsl::op(dsl::lit_c<'+'>) / dsl::op(dsl::lit_c<'-'>);
        using operand            = product;

    using operation = sum;
Example 2. Parse and evaluate an even simpler mathematical expression
constexpr auto op_plus  = dsl::op(dsl::lit_c<'+'>);
constexpr auto op_minus = dsl::op(dsl::lit_c<'-'>);

struct production : lexy::expression_production
    static constexpr auto atom = dsl::integer<int>;

    struct operation : dsl::infix_op_left
        static constexpr auto op = op_plus / op_minus;
        using operand            = dsl::atom;

    static constexpr auto value
        = lexy::callback<int>([](int value) { return value; },
                              [](int lhs, lexy::op<op_plus>, int rhs) { return lhs + rhs; },
                              [](int lhs, lexy::op<op_minus>, int rhs) { return lhs - rhs; });
See calculator.cpp for a bigger example.
If two operators at different binding powers share a common prefix (e.g. and * or = and ==), it might be necessary to use lexy::dsl::not_followed_by .

Class lexy::subexpression_production

namespace lexy::dsl
    template <expression Expr, operation RootOperation>
    struct subexpression_production {  };

subexpression_production is a base class of a production that wants to parse a subexpression.

It will parse the same expression as Expr, but instead of starting with Expr::operation, it starts with RootOperation, which must be an operation of the expression. All operators with a binding power lower than RootOperation are not recognized.

Operation lexy::dsl::groups

namespace lexy::dsl
    template <operation... Operands>
    struct groups

groups is a special operation that selects one of the specified operations as operand.


When attempting to parse an operand in the current operation, it will parse one of the specified Operands (a "group"), which can be other operations with their own operators. Parsing fails, if operators from distinct groups are mixed.

  • All errors raised by regular expression parsing.

  • Expression::operator_group_error: if an operator from group B was parsed after an operator from group 1, at the position of operator B.

Example 3. Parse either a math or a bit operation
struct production : lexy::expression_production
    static constexpr auto whitespace = dsl::ascii::space;
    static constexpr auto atom       = dsl::integer<int>;

    struct math : dsl::infix_op_left
        static constexpr auto op = dsl::op(dsl::lit_c<'+'>) / dsl::op(dsl::lit_c<'-'>);
        using operand            = dsl::atom;

    struct bits : dsl::infix_op_left
        static constexpr auto op = dsl::op(dsl::lit_c<'|'>) / dsl::op(dsl::lit_c<'&'>);
        using operand            = dsl::atom;

    // Either a math or a bit operator, but not mixing.
    using operation = dsl::groups<math, bits>;
groups can be used in the top-level operation of an expression as well.

Operation base lexy::dsl::infix_op_left

namespace lexy::dsl
    struct infix_op_left {};

infix_op_left is an operation base that specifies a left-associative infix operator.


It will parse the chain operand op operand. a op b op c is treated as (a op b) op c.


All errors raised by parsing the operand or operator.


It will invoke the callback with the value of the left operand, followed by the values of the operator, followed by the value of the right operand. In a op b op c, it will invoke callback(callback(a, op, b), op, c).

Parse tree

A production node labeled with the type of the operation. Its children are all nodes created from the left operand, followed by the nodes for the operator, followed by the nodes from the right operand.

Example 4. Parse a left-associative infix operator
struct production : lexy::expression_production
    static constexpr auto whitespace = dsl::ascii::space;
    static constexpr auto atom       = dsl::integer<int>;

    struct operation : dsl::infix_op_left
        static constexpr auto op = dsl::op(dsl::lit_c<'+'>);
        using operand            = dsl::atom;

Operation base lexy::dsl::infix_op_right

namespace lexy::dsl
    struct infix_op_right {};

infix_op_right is an operation base that specifies a right-associative infix operator.


It will parse the chain operand op operand. a op b op c is treated as a op (b op c).


All errors raised by parsing the operand or operator.


It will invoke the callback with the value of the left operand, followed by the values of the operator, followed by the value of the right operand. In a op b op c, it will invoke callback(a, op, callback(b, op, c)).

Parse tree

A production node labeled with the type of the operation. Its children are all nodes created from the left operand, followed by the nodes for the operator, followed by the nodes from the right operand.

Example 5. Parse a right-associative infix operator
struct production : lexy::expression_production
    static constexpr auto whitespace = dsl::ascii::space;
    static constexpr auto atom       = dsl::integer<int>;

    struct operation : dsl::infix_op_right
        static constexpr auto op = dsl::op(LEXY_LIT("**"));
        using operand            = dsl::atom;

Operation base lexy::dsl::infix_op_single

namespace lexy::dsl
    struct infix_op_single {};

infix_op_single is an operation base that specifies a non-associative infix operator.


It will parse the chain operand op operand. a op b op c is an error.

  • All errors raised by parsing the operand or operator.

  • Expression::operator_chain_error: if the operator occurs multiple times in the chain, at the second location. It then recovers, treating it as a left-associative operator.


It will invoke the callback with the value of the left operand, followed by the values of the operator, followed by the value of the right operand.

Parse tree

A production node labeled with the type of the operation. Its children are all nodes created from the left operand, followed by the nodes for the operator, followed by the nodes from the right operand.

Example 6. Parse a non-associative infix operator
struct production : lexy::expression_production
    static constexpr auto whitespace = dsl::ascii::space;
    static constexpr auto atom       = dsl::integer<int>;

    struct operation : dsl::infix_op_single
        static constexpr auto op = dsl::op(dsl::lit_c<'<'>);
        using operand            = dsl::atom;

Operation base lexy::dsl::infix_op_list

namespace lexy::dsl
    struct infix_op_list {};

infix_op_list is an operation base that specifies an associative infix operator.


The callback of the expression production is a sink.


It will parse the chain operand op operand. a op b op c is treated as a op b op c, i.e. no implicit grouping occurs.


All errors raised by parsing the operand or operator.


It will use the callback as a sink. The sink is passed the value of the initial operand, then it is passed all values of the first operator, the value of the next operand, all values of the second operator, and so on. In a op b op c, it will invoke sink(a), sink(op), sink(b), sink(op), sink(c).

Parse tree

A production node labeled with the type of the operation. Its children are all nodes created from the initial operand, followed by the nodes for the first operator, followed by the nodes from the next operand, followed by all nodes from the second operator, and so on.

Example 7. Parse an associative infix operator
struct production : lexy::expression_production
    static constexpr auto whitespace = dsl::ascii::space;
    static constexpr auto atom       = dsl::integer<int>;

    struct operation : dsl::infix_op_list
        static constexpr auto op = dsl::op(dsl::lit_c<'+'>);
        using operand            = dsl::atom;
This can be used to implement chained comparisons, as seen in calculator.cpp .

Operation base lexy::dsl::postfix_op

namespace lexy::dsl
    struct postfix_op {};

postfix_op is an operation base that specifies a postfix operator.


It will parse the chain operand op. a op op c is treated as (a op) op.


All errors raised by parsing the operand or operator.


It will invoke the callback with the value of the operand, followed by the values of the operator. In a op op, it will invoke callback(callback(a, op), op).

Parse tree

A production node labeled with the type of the operation. Its children are all nodes created from the operand, followed by the nodes for the operator.

Example 8. Parse a postfix operator
struct production : lexy::expression_production
    static constexpr auto whitespace = dsl::ascii::space;
    static constexpr auto atom       = dsl::integer<int>;

    struct operation : dsl::postfix_op
        static constexpr auto op = dsl::op(LEXY_LIT("++"));
        using operand            = dsl::atom;

Operation base lexy::dsl::prefix_op

namespace lexy::dsl
    struct prefix_op {};

prefix_op is an operation base that specifies a prefix operator.


It will parse the chain op operand. op op a is treated as op (op a).


All errors raised by parsing the operand or operator.


It will invoke the callback with the value of the operator, followed by the value of the operand. In op op a, it will invoke callback(op, callback(op, a)).

Parse tree

A production node labeled with the type of the operation. Its children are the nodes for the operator, followed by the nodes from the operand.

Example 9. Parse a prefix operator
struct production : lexy::expression_production
    static constexpr auto whitespace = dsl::ascii::space;
    static constexpr auto atom       = dsl::integer<int>;

    struct operation : dsl::prefix_op
        static constexpr auto op = dsl::op(dsl::lit_c<'-'>);
        using operand            = dsl::atom;

See also