Header lexy/dsl/follow.hpp

The followed_by and not_followed_by literal rules.

Literal rule lexy::dsl::followed_by

namespace lexy::dsl
    constexpr literal-rule auto followed_by(literal-rule lit,
                                          char-class-rule auto cc)
        return not_followed_by(lit, -cc);

    constexpr literal-rule auto followed_by(literal-rule lit,
                                          literal-char-class-rule auto cc)
        return not_followed_by(lit, -cc);

followed_by is a literal rule that ensures another literal rule is followed by a char class rule.

It is just syntax sugar for the primary form, lexy::dsl::not_followed_by .

Literal rule lexy::dsl::not_followed_by

namespace lexy
    struct follow_restriction

namespace lexy::dsl
    constexpr literal-rule auto not_followed_by(literal-rule lit,
                                                char-class-rule auto cc);
    constexpr literal-rule auto not_followed_by(literal-rule lit,
                                                literal-char-class-rule auto cc);

not_followed_by is a literal rule that ensures another literal rule is not followed by a char class rule.


lit is not a lexy::dsl::keyword  rule.


Matches and consumes lit. Otherwise, tries to match cc without consuming it and fails if it does. If lit uses case folding (e.g. lexy::dsl::ascii::case_folding ), it also applies to cc.

  • All errors raised by lit when it fails.

  • lexy::follow_restriction: if cc matches; at the position where it matched. The rule then fails.

Parse tree

The single token node created by lit.

Example 1. Match = but not ==
struct production
    static constexpr auto rule
        // = but then not another =
        = dsl::not_followed_by(dsl::lit_c<'='>, dsl::lit_c<'='>);
Use lexy::dsl::keyword  for the common case of parsing a literal that is not a valid identifier.

See also