Header lexy/dsl/symbol.hpp

The symbol rule.


 namespace lexy
    template <typename T>
    class symbol-table
        using char_type   = ...;
        using key_type    = char_type;
        using mapped_type = T;

        struct value_type
            const char_type*   symbol;
            const mapped_type& value;

        //=== modifiers ===//
        template <typename CaseFoldingDSL>
        consteval symbol-table case_folding(CaseFoldingDSL) const;

        template <auto SymbolString, typename... Args>
        consteval symbol-table map(Args&&... args) const;

        template <auto C, typename... Args>
        consteval symbol-table map(Args&&... args) const;

        template <typename ... Args>
        consteval symbol-table map(literal-rule auto lit, Args&& args) const;

        //=== access ===//
        static constexpr bool empty() noexcept;

        static constexpr std::size_t size() noexcept;

        class iterator;

        constexpr iterator begin() const noexcept;
        constexpr iterator end() const noexcept;

        class key_index;

        template <typename Reader>
        constexpr key_index try_parse(Reader& reader) const;
        template <input Input>
        constexpr key_index parse(const Input& input) const;

        constexpr const T& operator[](key_index idx) const noexcept;

    template <typename T>
    constexpr auto symbol_table = symbol-table<T>();

Defines a compile-time mapping of strings to objects of some type T.

It is initially empty.

Modifiers: case_folding

template <typename CaseFoldingDSL>
consteval symbol-table case_folding(CaseFoldingDSL) const;

Specifies case folding for the symbol table.

CaseFoldingDSL is a function object that specifies a case folding like lexy::dsl::ascii::case_folding  or lexy::dsl::unicode::simple_case_folding . It will be used on the input to parse a symbol.

As with the literal rules, the symbols in the symbol table must only contain lowercase characters if case folding is used. This is because all input is case folded prior to matching which makes matching of uppercase characters impossible.

Modifiers: map

template <auto SymbolString, typename... Args>
consteval symbol-table map(Args&&... args) const;

template <auto C, typename... Args>
consteval symbol-table map(Args&&... args) const;

// lit must be a dsl::lit rule
template <typename ... Args>
consteval symbol-table map(literal-rule auto lit, Args&& args) const;

Adds a mapping to the symbol table.

The result is a new symbol table that contains all the current mappings, as well as a new mapping of SymbolString/C to T(std::forward<Args>(args)…​).

If your compiler does not support C++20’s extended NTTPs, use LEXY_SYMBOL("Str") instead of "Str" as the template parameter for SymbolString.


static constexpr bool empty() noexcept;        (1)

static constexpr std::size_t size() noexcept;  (2)
  1. Whether or not the table is empty.

  2. The number of mappings in the table.

class iterator;

constexpr iterator begin() const noexcept;
constexpr iterator end() const noexcept;

Iterates over all the mappings.

iterator is a forward iterator whose value type is value_type.

class key_index
    constexpr key_index() noexcept;
    constexpr explicit key_index(std::size_t idx) noexcept;

    constexpr explicit operator bool() const noexcept;

    friend constexpr bool operator==(key_index lhs, key_index rhs) noexcept;
    friend constexpr bool operator!=(key_index lhs, key_index rhs) noexcept;

An index into the table.

It is a small wrapper over a std::size_t. An index is valid if its less than size(), this can be checked with its operator bool. Two indices can be compared for equality.

template <typename Reader>
constexpr key_index try_parse(Reader& reader) const;

Matches one of the strings in the table using a reader.

If reader begins with one of the strings in the table, consumes them and returns a key_index to that entry. Otherwise, returns an invalid key index and consumes nothing.

template <input Input>
constexpr key_index parse(const Input& input) const;

Matches one of the strings in the table against the input.

If input is one of the strings, returns a key_index to that entry. Otherwise, returns an invalid key index.

If input only begins with one of the strings but then is followed by other characters, it does not match.

constexpr const T& operator[](key_index idx) const noexcept;

Returns the value of the entry at the key_index.

Requires that idx is valid.

Rule lexy::dsl::symbol

namespace lexy
    struct unknown_symbol {};

namespace lexy::dsl
    struct symbol-dsl // models branch-rule
        template <typename Tag>
        static constexpr branch-rule auto error;

    template <const symbol-table& SymbolTable>
    constexpr symbol-dsl symbol;

    template <const symbol-table& SymbolTable>
    constexpr symbol-dsl symbol(token-rule auto token);
    template <const symbol-table& SymbolTable>
    constexpr symbol-dsl symbol(identifier-dsl identifier);

symbol is a branch rule that parses one symbol of SymbolTable.

Version without argument

template <const symbol-table& SymbolTable>
constexpr symbol-dsl symbol;

The encoding of the input is a char encoding.


Matches the longest symbol of the SymbolTable by consuming characters beginning at the current input. If necessary, performs case folding on the input first. Fails if no symbol matches. It skips implicit whitespace afterwards.

Branch Parsing

As a branch, it parses exactly the same input as before. However, instead of failing (for any reason), it backtracks without raising an error.


lexy::unknown_symbol: if it could not produce a symbol; its range covers the entire partial input. The rule then fails. The tag can be overridden by specifying a different Tag with .error.


The value of the symbol table that corresponds to the partial input.

Parse tree

A single token node covering the symbol. Its lexy::predefined_token_kind  is lexy::identifier_token_kind, which cannot be overridden.

This version behaves like the other version if passed a non-deterministic token rule that always consumes as much input as is necessary to match the symbol.

Version with argument

template <const symbol-table& SymbolTable>
constexpr symbol-dsl symbol(token-rule auto token);

template <const symbol-table& SymbolTable>
constexpr symbol-dsl symbol(identifier-dsl identifier);
  • The first overload parses the token rule token.

  • The second overload parses identifier.pattern(). In either case, it then creates a partial input that covers the (non-whitespace) code units consumed by that parsing. If necessary, performs case folding on the partial input. If the contents of that partial input exactly matches one of the strings in the symbol table, the rule succeeds.

Branch Parsing

As a branch, it parses exactly the same input as before. However, instead of failing (for any reason), it backtracks without raising an error.

  • All errors raised by parsing token or identifier.pattern(). The rule then fails, as recovery cannot produce a valid symbol.

  • lexy::unknown_symbol: if it could not produce a symbol; its range covers the entire partial input. The rule then fails. The tag can be overridden by specifying a different Tag with .error.


The value of the symbol table that corresponds to the partial input.

Example 1. Parse one of the predefined XML entities
struct production
    // Map names of the entities to their replacement value.
    static constexpr auto entities = lexy::symbol_table<char>

    static constexpr auto rule = [] {
        auto name      = dsl::identifier(dsl::ascii::alpha);
        auto reference = dsl::symbol<entities>(name);
        return dsl::lit_c<'&'> >> reference + dsl::lit_c<';'>;

    static constexpr auto value = lexy::forward<char>;
See xml.cpp for an XML parser.

See also