Header lexy/input/lexeme_input.hpp
Input lexy::lexeme_input
namespace lexy
template <input auto ParentInput>
class lexeme_input
using lexeme-type = lexeme_for<ParentInput>;
using encoding = typename lexeme-type::encoding;
using char_type = typename lexeme-type::char_type;
using iterator = typename lexeme-type::iterator;
//=== constructor ===//
explicit lexeme_input(const ParentInput& input, lexeme-type lexeme);
explicit lexeme_input(const ParentInput& input, iterator begin, iterator end);
//=== access ===//
const ParentInput& parent_input() const;
lexeme-type lexeme() const;
//=== input ===//
reader auto reader() const& noexcept;
The class lexy::lexeme_input
uses a lexy::lexeme
as the input.
A lexeme is a subset of an existing input, the parent input, which must be provided as well.
If the parent input is a view-like input (e.g. lexy::string_input
or lexy::range_input
it stores a copy.
Otherwise, if the parent input owns the input (e.g. lexy::buffer
), it stores a pointer to the parent input.
If an error is generated on a lexeme input, lexy::error_context
will return the parent input.
That way, any calls to lexy::get_input_location
will result in the correct line/column information for the entire input,
and don’t start at the partial input.
Tip | Use lexy::lexeme_input if the input is parsed in multiple passes. |