Header lexy/input/parse_tree_input.hpp Experimental

Inputs that read a lexy::parse_tree .

Encoding lexy::parse_tree_encoding Experimental

namespace lexy
    template <typename Node>
    struct parse_tree_encoding {};

The encoding of a lexy::parse_tree_input Experimental . It is a node encoding of the specified Node type, which must be a lexy::parse_tree::node.

Input lexy::parse_tree_input Experimental

namespace lexy
    template <typename Node>
    class parse_tree_input
        using encoding = parse_tree_encoding<Node>;
        using value_type = Node;

        //=== constructors ===//
        constexpr parse_tree_input();
        constexpr explicit parse_tree_input(const Node& node) noexcept;
        template <typename ParseTree>
        constexpr explicit parse_tree_input(const ParseTree& tree) noexcept;

        //=== access ===//
        constexpr const Node& root() const noexcept;

    template <typename ParseTree>
    parse_tree_input(const ParseTree&) -> parse_tree_input<typename ParseTree::node>;

The class parse_tree_input uses a lexy::parse_tree::node  as an input.

It is a lightweight view and does not own the node. It is used in combination with the lexy::dsl::tnode Experimental and lexy::dsl::pnode Experimental rules.

Example 1. Re-parse a parse tree
// A simple grammar for a single key-value pair.
namespace grammar
struct key
    static constexpr auto rule = dsl::identifier(dsl::ascii::alnum);

struct integer
    static constexpr auto rule = dsl::digits<>;

struct key_value_pair
    static constexpr auto whitespace = dsl::ascii::space;
    static constexpr auto rule       = dsl::p<key> + dsl::lit_c<'='> + dsl::p<integer>;
} // namespace grammar

namespace tree_grammar
struct integer
    // Match the digits token and extract their integer value.
    static constexpr auto rule  = dsl::tnode<lexy::digits_token_kind>(dsl::integer<int>);
    static constexpr auto value = lexy::as_integer<int>;

struct key_value_pair
    // Skip over literal and whitespace tokens automatically.
    static constexpr auto whitespace
        = dsl::tnode<lexy::literal_token_kind> | dsl::tnode<lexy::whitespace_token_kind>;

    // Skip the key production but parse the children of the integer production.
    static constexpr auto rule = [] {
        auto key   = dsl::pnode<grammar::key>;
        auto value = dsl::pnode<grammar::integer>(dsl::p<integer>);
        return key + value;

    static constexpr auto value = lexy::forward<int>;
} // namespace tree_grammar

int main()
    auto input = lexy_ext::compiler_explorer_input();

    // Parse the string into a tree.
    lexy::parse_tree_for<lexy::buffer<lexy::utf8_encoding>> tree;
    if (!lexy::parse_as_tree<grammar::key_value_pair>(tree, input, lexy_ext::report_error))
        return 1;

    // Parse the tree to extract the value (we ignore error reporting here since it's a bug for the
    // parse tree grammar to fail).
    auto result
        = lexy::parse<tree_grammar::key_value_pair>(lexy::parse_tree_input(tree), lexy::noop);
    if (!result)
        return 2;

    std::printf("Value: %d\n", result.value());


constexpr parse_tree_input();                                        (1)
constexpr explicit parse_tree_input(const Node& node) noexcept;      (2)
template <typename ParseTree>
constexpr explicit parse_tree_input(const ParseTree& tree) noexcept; (3)
  1. Creates an empty input.

  2. Creates an input that contains all descendants of node.

  3. Creates an input that contains all descendants of tree.root().

The input never contains node itself.


constexpr const Node& root() const noexcept;

Returns the root node of the input, passed to the constructor.


namespace lexy
    template <typename Node>
    using parse_tree_lexeme = lexeme_for<parse_tree_input<Node>>;

    template <typename Tag, typename Node>
    using parse_tree_error = error_for<parse_tree_input<Node>, Tag>;

    template <typename Node>
    using parse_tree_error_context = error_context_for<parse_tree_input<Node>>;

Convenience typedefs for parse tree inputs.

See also